Industry following the smell of beer
& the migration of house insects.Good old boys transplanted
from Jersey City, four wheel drivers
raising a bitter dust, pick up trucks
loaded with bricks & lumber,
they scratch out fresh roads,
paving a path for mom's humvee,dowsing chemical-laden water
deep in the geologic layer cake
of ancient Cosa Nostra graveyardsWhile we eat frozen fish,
deep-fried lawyers are laughing
through a Caribbean January,
sucking unpollutted oysters,
fucking whores up the ass
as they dream of subdivisions.They know all we want is a warm place
to eat & shit, so they build us
outhouses of aluminum siding
planted in some politician’s pasture,
disguised as Tinkerbell’s Castle.The cornfield has been replaced
with us, the farmer’s ripe daughter
has packed her punchline & split.
© Robert Rixon
Murder is my Music